Saturday, 2 February 2013

Chapter I - News From The North

Here I introduce the world outside of Castelmaine, and some of the creatures and goings on within and without. There's a lot of names in here, of places and of creatures. Some of them are explained within the text, but for now, it's probably also worth mentioning and explaining some of the others. They'll appear later in the story, and knowing about them now probably isn't important, but hey.

Vali are sheep like creatures that are kept for their wool-like fur, and eventually their meat, which is more expensive than many other meats due both to it's sweetness and the fact that the creatures are long lived and never killed solely for their meat. Geruun are sort of a mix of oxen and horses. They're used by the military (especially the Huszari) as mounts, and as cart-pullers by the rest of the world. These are fairly common beasts. Rakka are vicious predators, which I won't spoil here, and Muren are giant locust-goats typically found much further west than Castelmaine.

Again, I hope the descriptions are ok, not too clunky, and that the text flows. It can be hard trying to introduce concepts and places without the characters being there or seeing it, but at the same time, sometimes you just can't go there yet, but need the reader to have knowledge of it. I hope it works.

Owin gave a chuckle, "Again, though. What brings Auden Marr south of the market? You're rarely sighted outside of Foundry Row, and I don't think I've ever seen you leave Berican." He was pushing and he knew it, but such was his nature. As a Praeceptor of the Agate Tower, knowledge was his business, whatever news came on the air he was to know. Marr seemed a little anxious. Aged though he was, he was not a creature of subtlety, and his discomfort was worn across his face. Regardless, Owin seemed either to not notice, or to not care. 

"My business is my own, messenger."

"Very well, very well. Have it your own way, Marr. I meant no harm, it's my job to be inquisitive."

Marr sighed, a deep and low gust of breath, "I know, Owin. What news from the north?"

"Any north in particular?" Owin twisted his mouth into a playful, knowing smile.

"In general - the lands beyond the northern gates. The pastures and beyond."

Beyond the bridge that connected Castelmaine's Trade District to the rest of the world lay the ring of mountains known as the Ridge. The two greatest peaks, the Twin Sentinels, overlooked the pass of Nomah, which most simply called the gate, a cliff-sided path that cut directly through to the lands beyond. Here we're the farms and small rural villages that supplied Castelmaine with what could not be grown or reared by the monks of Veo-Yan. Ploughed fields of vegetables spread for miles, herds of wooly vali beasts, or the ox-like geruun that the city used as beasts of burden for their carts and mounts roamed the plains, loosely shepherded by nomadic wanderers. In return, the city not only paid them well, but offered them a degree of protection, and an education for any born with the gift of magic (though, historically these 'outsiders' often had great difficulty fitting in). For years since the Second Coming, the pastures had been peaceful, but of recent months, things were beginning to change.

"There'a dissent, Marr. Growing."

Marr quirked a brow quizzically, "Dissent? What for?"

"The wilds are becoming more dangerous. Monsters of all sizes are being seen in greater numbers and closer to settlements. Vali herds dwindling to predation from Rakka, that's got a few of the locals worried that their villages aren't safe, worried its their livestock today, sons and daughters tomorrow. One village lost its years harvest to a wild Muren herd that came in from the west. Many believe that Castelmaine isn't doing enough to protect them."

"What is being done?"

"The Basilica are sending a company of Huszari. They'll split into forces of ten at the village of Muska and ride out through the pastures to assess the damages and do what they can."

"Any news from Romero?"

Owin grinned wider, but warmer, "Romero is fine, Marr. Don't you worry. Kala of the Agate Tower is going with the Huszari, we'll know if anything changes in your old town."

Marr nodded slowly, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Marr. It's not for you we sent her, or they sent the Huszari. These are dangerous times, even the waters outside our own city are rougher and more capricious. Isobel does not sleep well. But that's my news," his smile faded a little, "Perhaps now you would tell me yours?"

Another sigh from Marr, who raised his hands a little in capitulation. "All right, but not here, and not now. I have somewhere I must be. How about tonight at the Brazen Boar?"

Owin nodded, "Very well. First round on you!" And with a single bound, he was on the roofs and gone. Marr turned and headed swiftly northward back towards the streets and towers that made up Berican University.

1 comment:

  1. Was captivated by this entry. The dialogue seemed to flow better than he previous one. And i particularly enjoyed the suspense initiated by discussing Characters and places we haven't met yet.
    looking forward to reading the rest
